Anjaneyulu G


Anjaneyulu G (b.1976) is from Garidepally, Suryapet district, Telangana. He obtained his bachelors in Fine Arts from JNTU, Collage of Fine Arts (2000), Hyderabad. He currently lives in Hyderabad, Telangana.


Anjaneyulu’s artistic vision primarily focuses on household culinary vessels, particularly those that are used in villages to carry and fetch water and for other primary purposes. There was a time when vessels were mostly imitations of clay pots. Slowly, the pot shape has completely gone out of use. In the village where he grew up, pots, the village well, and the common taps were some of those things that seemed to him to be in the nature of the eternal. But as we all learn, nothing is eternal.


He felt that the water pots used by women were designed to nestle against their waists. Maybe that was just him, because many women would also carry them on their heads. As the world moved ahead from draw wells to hand pumps and hand pumps to water tanks, so have vessels moved from the pot shapes to cylinders. So now they lie unloved and uncared for, waiting for their cremation. Or some unlucky ones find themselves in the mesmerizing markets of the Jummarath bazaar in Hyderabad.