Urban Frames

Visual Practices and Transitions
Abeer Gupta, 2019

Publisher: Krishnakriti Foundation.

Urban Frames: Visual Practices and Transitions is the general theme of the 16th Edition of Krishnakriti Festival held in January 2019. The Festival consisting of exhibitions, film screening, sem- inars, performances, heritage walks and workshops tried to ini- tiate a conversation around heritage in urban places, exploring ideas of cultural exchange and contemporary concerns relevant to us today. A wide range of projects based on the rare photographic and cartographic resources of the KA was commissioned and showcased in the
festival, revealing the Festival's central concept of the city as an archive.


The Festival Catalogue is published not just to record the events that took place during the Festival but also to give a clear idea about the curatorial concept behind it, the methods and orienta- tions of each individual project and the range of archival materi- als used. It helps the readers and, most importantly, the future participants to understand the broad and open critical frame- works within which this and every next edition of the Festival will be organised.